Download Tutorial

View in Flash

To view HD trailers in Flash (JW Player), just left click on the resolution you want. Most trailers will work in Flash, but we've defaulted all Apple trailers to use QuickTime to work around certain issues.

View in QuickTime

To view HD trailers in your preferred browser video player (most computers default to QuickTime), just open it in a new tab or window. To open it in a new tab, middle-click the resolution you want OR right-click the resolution and click on "Open in New Tab". To open it in a new window, right click on the resolution you want and click on "Open in New Window".

Save to your computer

To save HD trailers to your computer, right click on the resolution you want and click on "Save Target As...".

Apple Direct Download Unavailable Apple Apple has blocked direct downloads via the browser, but there are workarounds you can perform.

Apple Direct Download Unavailable Yahoo Yahoo! now generates temporary download links. In order to download them, open the trailer in a new tab/window and save it from your browser. For more details, see Yahoo! Redirection Script.