Above and Below

This not-quite-documentary takes place far away and out of sight, on the margins and off the grid of American society. It tells the stories of April, Dave, Cindy, Rick and a man who calls himself "the Godfather." From a couple scraping by in the depths of the flood channels located beneath Sin City, to a man living in a reclaimed military bunker in the middle of the dusty California desert, and beyond even the stratosphere, to a place where Mars and Earth have become one and the same place, this motley crew of individuals have been flung into periling circumstances on this rollercoaster ride called life. Through the hustle, pain, and laughter, we are whisked away to an unfamiliar world whose inhabitants are revealed to be souls not unlike our very own.


2016-04-01 Trailer Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
17.7MB 83.7MB 143MB   embed


2016-04-15 Clip Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
24.8MB 118MB 200MB   embed

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