
A monotonous life has pushed the unfulfilled Forrest (Todd Blubaugh) to a voyage of self-discovery by living aboard his sailboat on an alluring, Missouri lake. Soon he catches wind of the rebellious and free-spirited Everly (Nicola Collie) and their idealistic dreams align for a thrilling and thought-provoking, romantic adventure. Can they survive, reconnect with nature and rewrite their own rules of modern existence, or will they discover that society operates the way it does for a reason? EMMY Award-winning filmmaker, Trevor Hawkins of MAMMOTH, created his debut feature-film, Lotawana, in his own backyard on Lake Lotawana, Missouri by writing, directing, shooting, editing, financing (with a loan against his house) and literally almost dying in an underwater cave.


2022-01-19 Teaser 480p 720p 1080p Apple
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2022-01-19 Teaser Old 1 480p 720p 1080p Apple
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2022-01-19 Trailer 480p 720p 1080p Apple
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