
Five unlikely characters form a film company to achieve their individualdreams. Arvind, a metrosexual male, who gets inspired to be a greatfilmmaker starts forming his team. There's the childhood friend Shruthi,the James Cameron wannabe Walter, the ruthless dictator Thanes, thevillage playwright Kaly and the suspicious crew boys and the bimboticreceptionist Sarah. Clueless about filmmaking this team of misfits attempt one of the manychildhood dreams of Singaporean directors: producing a film. With equipments going missing, a nagging wife, lack of funds, a bisexualcostume designer, a love triangle, a haunted office, threats from theMalaysian mafia, a star crossed childhood love would Arvind be able toovercome the odds and make his dream movie or would it all just be hisultimate nightmare? 'Pickles' is an emotional roller coaster that will make you laugh till youroll on one moment and wells up your eyes on the other. Gathered from truestories from Singaporean media industry this film is sure to keep theaudience on the edge.


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